Research residency at Centro de las Artes San Agustin (CaSa), Oaxaca, Mexico, 2015. The First Food residency is a partner of the Mex/UK dual year, is sponsored by Arts Council England with the support of the British Council and the Mexican Foreign Ministry.

A new body of work in response to globalised and local food cultures in Oaxaca, from the starting point of visual culture. Food, plastic, religion and sex. Packaging, commercialisation, globalisation, butting up against the hands-on experience of food in daily life. Mexico’s uniquely layered cultural heritage. The virtual world of pop culture, set against the physical and sensual reality of things we put inside ourselves.

Exhibition outcome:

“CORN COLA COCOA QUIERO”, Galeria de Artes Plasticos, Universidad Autonoma Benito Juarez de Oaxaca, Mexico, November 2015.

Translation: “corn, cola, cocoa, I want/ I need/ I desire”.